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Physics 12

Physics 12 Course Overview

Big Ideas

Measurement of motion depends on our frame of reference.

Forces can cause linear and circular motion.

Forces and energy interactions occur within fields.

Momentum is conserved within a closed and isolated system.

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You will learn about kinematics, forces, conservation laws, electromagnetism, and Special Relativity! You will be able to explain most of the things you learn in high school science classes and more! If you are interested in studying Sciences in university, this is also the perfect course for you.

Where does this course fit?

  • Pre-Requisite: Physics 11 is recommended
  • Graduation Status: One of the Grade 11/12 Science options required for graduation

Course Materials

  • All materials are provided in the course online.

Brief Outline



2D   Kinematics 

2D kinematics is a simple extension of the 1D kinematics from Physics 11. It allows us to apply physics to many more situations, yielding unexpected insights about nature.

Force and Newton's Laws of Motion 

Newton’s laws of motion are the foundation of dynamics. These laws provide an example of the breadth and simplicity of principles under which nature functions.

Work, Energy, and Energy Resources


Not only does energy have many interesting forms, it is also involved in almost all phenomena, and is one of the most important concepts of physics.

Linear Momentum and Collisions 

Momentum, like energy, is important because it is one of the few quantities conserved in nature. Studying them yields fundamental insight into how nature works.

Special Relativity 

The word relativity might conjure an image of Einstein, but the idea did not begin with him; however, Einstein’s theories have altered forever our concept of space and time.

Statics and Torque 

How can we guarantee that a body is in equilibrium and what can we learn from systems that are in equilibrium? These questions are the topics of this chapter.

Uniform Circular Motion and Gravitation 

Many motions, such as the arc of a bird’s flight or Earth’s path around the Sun, are curved. How do Newton’s laws of motion extend to these situations?

Electric Charge and Electric Field 

We begin with the study of electric phenomena due to charges that are at least temporarily stationary, called electrostatics, or static electricity.

Electric Potential and Electric Field 

We will examine the relationship between voltage and electrical energy and begin to explore some of the many applications of electricity.


Magnetism is used to explain atomic energy levels, cosmic rays, and particles in the Van Allen belts, which are linked by a small number of underlying physical principles.

Electromagnetic Induction 

Currents induced by magnetic fields are essential to our society today. We will learn about the basic process of generating emfs and, hence, currents with magnetic fields.

Assessment Percentage Breakdown

Assessment Type

Percentage of the Course





Midterm exam


Final exam


You have up to a year to complete your course.

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