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A positive start: First day as SSA

| Categories: Our People, Our People
SSA Grainne O'Carroll started a new year as an SSA at Lord Roberts Elementary

On September 5, 2023, students, teachers and administrators returned to school for the new year. At Lord Roberts Elementary, Grainne O’Carroll had her first September start as a school-student support assistant (SSA). As an SSA, O’Carroll spends time with students to assist with positive behaviour assistance and social-emotional needs as well as individual personal care or medical needs for some students. 


Her day involves assisting the students in their classrooms as well as engaging in separate activities with them. O’Carroll also likes to take students outside for activities, such as short walks to get fresh air and exercise or a trip to playground for good, simple fun.


The start of school is a busy time for O’Carroll. “The first week has been a little bit hectic. All the kids are happy to be back, the staff are happy to be back, so it’s been a really positive start.”

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