The Vancouver Board of Education has a wide-range of school based teachers and professionals who work collaboratively to support students with special needs.
The classroom teacher is responsible for the planning, implementation, assessment and reporting of the student's educational program.
The school Principal/Vice-Principal ensures that every student who has special needs is assigned a case manager, an individualized education plan is developed and implemented and that parent/guardians are regularly provided with information concerning their child’s educational progress. The Principal/Vice-Principal is available to consult with parents/guardians who are concerned with their child's education program.
School Based Teams
The School-Based Team (SBT) is a problem-solving group that works with classroom teachers to develop educational programs for students who require additional support. SBTs make decisions regarding case managers, referrals (to area or high school counsellors, speech language pathologists, psychologists, etc) and the allocation of resources. School-Based Teams meet on a regular basis in all schools.