Alfred Chien

Elected in the 2022 municipal election, Alfred Chien is a dedicated educational entrepreneur. He is passionate about creating opportunities for students to succeed academically and beyond. Alfred sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Liver Foundation (BC and Yukon) and has been a facilitator for JABC for 15 years. He is the past President of the Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions Club and one of the founders and honorable judge panel members of the Vancouver Outstanding Leaders Award and Vancouver Outstanding Young Ambassadors Award. Alfred has lived in Vancouver for 27 years since immigrating from Hong Kong and attended the University of British Columbia, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Economics and a Concentration in Mathematics.
Member of the Audit Committee
Standing Committees:
- Education Plan Committee (Chair)
- Finance and Personnel Committee (Vice-Chair)
Internal Administrative Committees:
- FESL Advisory Committee
School Liaison for:
- University Hill, University Hill Elementary, Norma Rose Point Elementary
- Vancouver Technical, wək̓ʷan̓əs tə syaqʷəm, Maquinna, Mount Pleasant, Queen Alexandra, Secord, šxʷəxʷaʔəs Thunderbird, Queen Victoria Annex
Liaison for:
- Britannia Community Services Board
- Civic Committees:
- Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (Alternate)
- Older Persons and Elders Advisory Committee (Alternate)
- Renters Advisory Committee (Alternate)
- City of Vancouver and VSB Elected Officials Group (Alternate)