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Program Information

Elementary programs: Students are limited to one Ministry Funded course and must register in their current grade level as of June 30, 2025.  Students also have the option to take a fee-based elementary course. Current Grade 7 students may register for Preview Grade 8 Courses. 

Secondary programs: Students may take more than one Ministry funded course but must be non-graduates who are under age 19 on June 30, 2025. 

Regular attendance: Summer Learning Academic courses can proceed at a very fast pace and cover much content in a short amount of time. Regular attendance and punctuality are required to keep up with the demands of the program. 

Report Card/ID: Non-VSB students may be asked to present to the classroom teacher on the first day of class their home school final report card to take the course. 

For more information, see: 

Elementary Grade K-7 Program 

July 3 to July 18 (8:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM)

  • Course Information: 
    • Students will review content from the 2024-2025 school year as well as learn new skills. 
    • Courses include content from various curricular areas such as Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Fine Arts.
  • Evaluation/Mark: Students will receive a student progress report at the conclusion of the course.
  • Fee-Based: These courses are not funded by the Ministry of Education. Students are able to register for a fee.

Secondary Grade 8-9 Preview Program

July 3 to July 25 (8:00 AM - 10:25 AM and 10:35 AM - 1:00 PM)

  • Course Information: These courses are designed to provide a preview of the course that students have not previously taken but plan to take in the upcoming school year.
  • Workbook: See (FAQ) Do I need to pay a deposit for a workbook?
  • Evaluation/Mark: Students will receive a student progress report at the conclusion of the course. As this is a preview course that does not cover the entire curriculum, course credit will not be provided.
  • Note: Students should have completed the previous level of the course for which they wish to register. 

Secondary Grade 8-9 Review Program

July 3 to July 25 (8:00 AM - 10:25 AM and 10:35 AM - 1:00 PM)

  • Course Information: For students who would benefit from additional instruction, these courses provide a review of a course completed in the 2024-2025 school year. 
  • Workbook: See (FAQ) Do I need to pay a deposit for a workbook? 
  • Evaluation/Mark: Students will receive a student progress report at the conclusion of the course.
  • Note: Students may only register in a Review course of a course they have previously completed and that is consistent with their grade level as of June 30, 2025. 

Secondary Grade 10-11 Remedial Program

July 3 to July 26 (8:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. and 10:25 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.)

  • Course Information: The objective of this program is 
    • to provide students, who previously unsuccessfully completed a course, a chance to improve their mark and receive credit for the course or 
    • to provide students, who previously completed a course and received a low 'Pass', an opportunity to improve their mark to a maximum of 65%. 
    • Assignments must be completed, and attendance must be satisfactory.
  • Workbook: See (FAQ) Do I need to pay a deposit for a workbook?  
  • Evaluation/Mark: The maximum achievable mark for these courses is 65%. For students whose results are 0% to 65%, the actual mark will be shown on the report card. Marks of 66% or above will be shown as 65%. 

Secondary Grade 10-12 Completion Program

July 3 to August 1 (8:00 AM - 11:50 AM and 12:20 PM -- 4:10 PM)

  • Course Information: This program is intended for students who have not yet graduated and are under age 19 on June 30, 2025 and:
    • Wish to acquire credits toward secondary graduation.
    • Wish to repeat a credit course to improve their mark.
    • Wish to complete a post-secondary pre-requisite course.
  • Workbook: See (FAQ) Do I need to pay a deposit for a workbook? 
  • Note: Students must have successfully completed the previous level of the course in which they wish to register. Grade 12 students who plan to take a summer course will not be able to register online and must seek approval from their home school administrator who will submit to the Summer School Office a list of eligible Grade 12 students and applicable courses.

Secondary English Language Learning (ELL-Reading & Writing) Program (Grades 8-12)

July 3 to July 25 (8:00 AM - 10:25 AM and 10:35 AM - 1:00 PM)

  • Course Information: This course offers newcomer students the opportunity to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a welcoming and supportive environment.  Come meet new friends, learn more about your community and leave with greater confidence knowing that you’ve strengthened your English language skills over the summer.
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