DRT - Vision

The District Resource Teacher - Vision, provides support for any child of school age with a significant visual impairment.
Support Includes:
- teaching specialized skills such as Braille or the use of visual aids
- facilitating orientation and mobility training/instruction
- completing Braille transcriptions of educational materials
- enlarging print, maps and diagrams
- teaching appropriate use of technology
- working with students on social emotional skills
- providing remediation in academic areas
Documents required:
- reports from: ophthalmologist, optometrist or the Visually Impaired Program of BC Children’s Hospital
- report cards
- Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Referral process
- Students are eligible for support services when they meet Ministry criteria for Visual Impairment (E designation). Referrals are made to Learning Services.
Students are reviewed on an ongoing basis. If a change in designation occurs, a referral is made to Learning Services.
Braille Transcription Services for Braille transcription for visually impaired students is provided through a Braillist.
Support Includes:
- transcribing material into Braille and Braille into print
- preparing tactile illustrations such as maps, graphics and diagrams
- making audio tapes
- ordering specific Braille transcriptions from American Printing House for Blind. Braille transcription services are arranged by a teacher of the visually impaired