Vancouver Learning Network

The Vancouver Learning Network (VLN) is an online-learning program operating within the Vancouver School District. Online learning programs are perfect for students who wish to learn at home or who need more flexibility in their schooling schedule.
Elementary students register for full-time study and some students remain full-time with VLN all the way to graduation.
How the program works
The elementary program registers full time K–7 students and operates out of the VLN at 530 East 41st Avenue. Students enroll in the VLN’s elementary program for a variety of purposes such as:
- Maintain their B.C. schooling while traveling abroad
- Make allowances for students with health needs that make regular attendance at school a challenge
- Allow the flexibility for participation in high-level sports or arts programs
Before enrolling at VLN, the elementary student and parent/guardian must meet with a qualified B.C. teacher to design a Student Learning Plan. Teachers are responsible for leading the educational program with support from the parents/guardians. Feedback is given regularly and reports are written twice per school year (the same as in-person schools).
Learning assignments are submitted online and students maintain contact with their teacher with through personal email, telephone, via the internet, or by visiting the VLN office.
For more information about the Vancouver Learning Network Elementary program, VLN Elementary site or contact the VLN at (604) 713-5520.