Preeti Faridkot
Preeti Faridkot was elected as a Trustee to the Vancouver School Board in the 2022 municipal election. Preeti is an IT analyst and a parent. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. Preeti formerly worked for S.U.C.C.E.S.S, a non-profit agency, helping many new immigrants settle in Canada.
Alternate for the Audit Committee
Standing Committees:
- Facilities Planning Committee (Chair)
- Finance and Personnel Committee
Internal Administrative Committees
- Vancouver District Students' Council (Trustee Liaison Alternate)
School Liaison for:
- Killarney, Champlain Heights, Champlain Heights Annex, Cook, MacCorkindale, Waverley, Weir
- Tupper, Brock, Dickens, Dickens Annex, Livingstone, McBride, McBride Annex, Nightingale
Liaison for:
- BCSTA Provincial Council
- Civic Committees:
- Vancouver Public Library Board (Alternate)
- Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee (Alternate)
- Racial and Ethno-Cultural Equity Advisory Committee (Alternate)
- Vancouver Food Policy Council
- Women's Advisory Committee