Archived Public Engagement
Preferred Secondary Schedule
The District is engaged students, families and staff to gain feedback on the current secondary school schedule.
QEA land surplus consideration
Following the June 2022 decision to close Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA), the Board is now considering declaring the QEA site and its buildings surplus to the educational needs of the District. No decision has been made. The Board must first decide whether to surplus the land, before exploring alternative land use possibilities. Learn more

Consideration to close QEA
Staff at the Vancouver School District have recommended the Board of Education (Board) consider the closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA) school site by June 30, 2023. The Board approved the launch of a public engagement process in January, which is occurring February through April 2022.
Learn more

Feeding futures fund
The feeding future fund is provided by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. The funds will be used to purchase food and hire dedicated staff to coordinate meal and snack distribution to students. District staff invited representatives of VSB’s formal stakeholder groups to share feedback about how the Feeding Futures grant money should be spent for the 2023-2024 school year. See the engagement summary report.

Education Plan 2026
The Vancouver School District’s Education Plan 2026 will be a roadmap that will lead the District to improve outcomes for students. We are asking students, families, staff, and the public to share their expectations and aspirations for Vancouver schools. The plan will focus on the District’s core goals to support student achievement and well-being. Learn more

2022-2023 School Year Budget
Each year, the Board considers a proposed budget for the upcoming school year. All school districts in the province have a legislative duty to pass a balanced budget for the upcoming school year by early summer. Ideas and comments about the budget were also encouraged through written submissions and an online engagement that took place in February and March. An engagement summary report was shared at the April 20, 2022 Finance Committee meeting. See our budget development timeline for more information and ways to share input.

The Multi-age Cluster Classes (MACC) program model was introduced in 1988 and the program has remained largely unchanged since its inception. As part of this change, we are asking for feedback from students, families, teachers, stakeholders, gifted associations, and MACC alumni. Learn more and share your input.

Anti-Racism and Non-Discrimination Framework
We are committed to providing an environment where all students, staff and families feel safe and welcome in school, and have equal and fair opportunities to lead a meaningful life. To advance this commitment, the VSB is developing an Anti-Racism and Non-Discrimination Framework. A series of engagement activities ran from June 8 to July 9, 2021 to support the framework’s development.

Educational and Facilities Planning: South Portion of Sir Fleming Elementary School
The new Fleming school required the reconfiguration of the entire school site during the design and construction process as part of the Seismic Mitigation Program. This created an opportunity for a portion of the site to become available for re-purposing subject to Board and Ministerial approval. Following information sessions with the school community, the Board approved staff to proceed with the disposition process as per Board Policy 20. Learn more about the public engagement steps so far regarding the disposal (repurposing) of a portion of the school site.

Mandarin bilingual program relocation
Due to the growth in the Jamieson catchment area, the District proposed moving the Mandarin Bilingual program at Norquay elementary to Trudeau elementary. See a summary of the feedback received.

Building for Modern Learning
Throughout 2020, the Board engaged Vancouverites to build a vision for using VSB buildings and spaces across the city. Our priorities were to explore how to create modern learning spaces and ensure all students were in seismically safe schools.
Learn more about what we heard.