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Student Stories

Student Stories

Adult Education students come from diverse backgrounds. Whether new to Canada, seeking to improve marks or working toward a high school graduation, Adult Education students have a rich history and great hopes for their future.

Checkout the student stories below about why they choose to enroll in Adult Education to expand their future. #ExpandYourFuture

Linda Li

Adult Ed helping newcomer expand her language abilities

Linda Li is an Adult Education student and has been studying English Foundations for a year at South Hill Secondary. Before moving to Canada, Linda worked as a financial analyst for over fifteen years. Read more about her story. Adult Ed to help newcomer expand her language abilities

Neil Macli

Working towards a Red Seal Trades Certificate through Adult Ed

Neil Macli is a high school student that skipped classes regularly until he enrolled in Adult Ed. Now he is working towards getting his Red Seal Trades Certificate so he can become a certified technician right after graduation. Read more about his story. Working towards a Red Seal Trades Certificate through Adult Ed

Mary G.

A second chance at another career

Mary G. is a 43-year-old woman who did not graduate from high school; instead, she decided to move to New York to pursue a career in Makeup Artistry. Fast-forward twenty years, Mary made the decision to return back to high school to upgrade her education. Read more about her story. A second chance at another career

Tamara Loyer

Adult Ed helping 57-year-old woman pave her way to a brighter future

Tamara Loyer is a 57-year-old woman who was once living on the streets of the downtown east side. Today she is attending Adult Education and working towards a degree in astrophysics. Read more about her story. Adult Ed helping 57-year-old woman pave her way

Lance Tuazon

18-year-old preparing for college through Adult Ed

Lance Tuazon, Pre-Calculus and English Adult Education Student, discovered the Adult Education program through the help of his counselor at David Thompson Secondary. Read more about his story. 18-year-old preparing for college through Adult Ed

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