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Arts Education

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About Extra-Curricular Arts Programming

Extra-Curricular programs in Arts Education are a valuable part of student learning.  They include the disciplines of music, dance, drama, and visual arts. These programs typically take place outside of the classroom and give students the opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their achievements.  

Schools offer their own extra-curricular programs in the arts and it is best to check with each school directly to find out what activities are scheduled.      

District wide events are scheduled annually so that students can come together from across the district for the benefit of building skills through observation and practice, learning from each other, and developing broader perspectives.  

These events involve multiple schools and often hundreds of students and take place at both the elementary and secondary levels.  The district sponsors a variety of music festivals involving instrumental and choral programs throughout the year, as well as, a Dramarama Event and District Dance Festival.  

In addition, the Vancouver School District collaborates with a variety of community arts organizations.  These partnerships allow students to connect with and learn from professional artists, tour galleries, and strengthen learning across the arts curriculum.  Extra-curricular activities linked to such enrichment programs can take place both inside and out of regular school hours.    

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