Area Counsellors

Area Counsellors’ services facilitate the educational, personal, social and emotional development of elementary students in schools. Area Counsellors provide support to individual students, groups of students and classes in response to the current needs of the school.
Support includes
- developing students’ self awareness, self regulation, social awareness, social skills and problem solving skills
- supporting students and families in crisis
- targeting social skills or issues such as anxiety, grief or peer conflict through small group work
- supporting teachers’ implementation of District supported Social Responsibility and Diversity programs
- consulting and collaborating with other school and District staff including participation in School Based Team
- liaising with parents and community agencies to facilitate access to services and ensure ongoing communication with schools
- organizing and facilitating referrals for special education services, Grade 8 articulation and Alternative Program placement
- providing input into development of IEP's
- organizing and participating in case conferences
Referral Process
The referral process varies from school to school and may include referrals from students, staff, families and School Based Team. Parents are consulted in situations which may involve ongoing individual counselling or participation in a group.