18-year-old preparing for college through Adult Ed

We sat down with Lance Tuazon, Pre-Calculus and English Adult Education Student at South Hill to get an inside look on his experiences in the program. Lance stumbled upon the Adult Education program through the help of his counselor at David Thompson Secondary.
Lance said he joined the program because he wanted to upgrade his education for college. “South Hill did a really efficient job, and helped me a lot, especially with content, and giving lessons in life, and ethics,” said Lance.
Lance says being a student at South Hill you get to learn a lot, and the staff are always there to offer lots of support along the way. “They do a good job at taking care of us,” Lance adds.
Going forward, Lance is going to continue to focus his efforts on upgrading his education to achieve his goals by the time he gets to college. “What I really like about this program is that they really emphasize the learning; they really focus on building you; they help you through assignments; they even gave me some advice to go to college, and what I should take, and what I should do [for my future].”
If you are thinking about upgrading your education qualifications, go to govsb.ca/adult for more information about our programs.