The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation��s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The Vancouver School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Division encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The Vancouver School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
The VSB has a wide range of Learning Support Programs that are designed instruction that adapts, as appropriate to the needs of a student the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction. Referrals to these programs are done through the School Based Team at the student’s school.
Elementary Learning Support Programs provide targeted instruction for students formally identified as having a learning disability. The ELSP program is designed to assist students with specific academic areas by providing intensive evidence-based targeted literacy instruction.
Grade 10 Prep is a two year program at Windermere Secondary which is designed to lead to Grade 10 equivalency. students build their confidence and skills through a unique combination of core academics, work experience, community involvement, outdoor adventure, and hands-on shop experience.
The Pre-Employment Program is designed for students who have not experienced success in the acquisition of academic skills in a mainstream classroom setting. Students participate in adapted or modified academic courses, electives and work-experience.
Secondary Learning Assistance programs are designed for students who have diagnosed, mild intellectual disabilities -"K" Designation. Students are timetabled into mainstream electives wherever possible. Students are provided with instructional support in alignment with their intellectual disability.
This program is designed for students who have a complex learning profile that affects their academic performance and educational engagement. Students in this program may earn either an Adult Dogwood or Dogwood Graduation Certificate.
TEIR is a short term, intensive program for students in their grade 2 year who have been identified with a significant delay in the acquisition of literacy skills.