Local Planning Studies
![pic1](https://media.vsb.bc.ca/media/Default/pgg/5/LOCAL PLANNING STUDIES.jpg)
Planning Process
The Educational Planning and Facilities department is implementing an annual planning process that aligns with District operational, and business cycles, Ministry requirements, and the Board calendar. The Long-Range Facilities Plan will be updated during each annual planning cycle.
Local planning studies are undertaken in response to emerging District and Board priorities and requirements. The Long-Range Facilities Plan indicates several opportunities where a Local Planning Study could be undertaken to inform key local decisions.
Types of Local Planning Studies
The types of studies undertaken include the following:
- Emerging Capital Priorities Review
- Enrolment Management Studies
- Temporary Accommodation Studies
- Attendance Boundary Review
- New Program Location Studies
- Program Relocation Studies
- School Closure Studies listed
- Non-operating School Site Studies
- Land Asset Management Studies
- Traffic Management Studies
- Grade Re-alignment Studies Data Validation Studies