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School Liaison Officer Program

In November 2022, trustees on the Vancouver School Board passed a motion to implement a revised School Liaison Officer (SLO) program beginning September 2023. In collaboration with VSB and Vancouver Police Department, the SLO program has been reimagined based on feedback heard during the 2021 SLO engagement and the subsequent report. The program was further informed by input from community members, students and staff, as well as feedback from the Indigenous Education Council and the VPD’s Indigenous Advisory Committee.

The revised program will enhance the safety of schools, ensuring they are caring, welcoming and inclusive places for all students, their families and staff. The program will implement proactive educational and interventional measures to support students in making positive decisions and to help avoid them becoming involved with the criminal justice system. SLOs will be available to any student or family member for support and guidance. The revised program is staffed by officers who come from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who have also received specific training to support them in this unique role. 

A steering committee with VSB and VPD representatives will monitor the program’s implementation and operations. Updates and information about the program will continue to be provided through VSB’s Policy and Governance Committee.

For more information about the program, see the revised SLO program Memorandum of Understanding

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