Childcare Facility Rental

District assets are used first and foremost to provide elementary and secondary educational services. Child care programs will only be permitted to use school facilities as long as they do not negatively affect the operation of the K-12 programs. There will be a fee charged to recover operating costs.
Rental procedure
The Vancouver School Board deals only with not-for-profit organizations, not private businesses. Not-for-profit organizations wishing to establish a child care program in a Vancouver school building or on school grounds must first contact the Planning and Facilities Department for approval. This will only be granted if:
- The not-for-profit organization conducts a needs assessment to determine the demand for child care services in the area
- The organization approaches the principal to obtain his/her written support for the proposal
- The organization contacts Rentals & Planning and Facilities to review applicable policies/procedures
Once Planning and Facilities endorses the proposal, approvals from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (Community Care Facilities Licensing) and the City of Vancouver (development and building permits) will be required.
Please note that the process to establish a child care program in a school facility therefore involves a minimum of four to six months.
For more information, contact