Preschool to Kindergarten

The transition from home or a community based daycare or preschool into kindergarten can be a process supported by the VSB to facilitate the transfer of information and support from community agency services to VSB services.
There are two aspects to the kindergarten transition process:
First is the important step of families registering their child for kindergarten at their local (catchment) school between November 1 and January 31, the early registration period.
The second aspect is the completion of a Kindergarten Transition Information Package which includes consent forms as well as an information gathering document.
Once consent for VSB involvement is received by the District Resource Teacher Early Learning, arrangements are made to observe a child in their preschool/daycare, or on occasion during therapy sessions. This observation process typically occurs between December and March but can be as late as May or early June. Between April and June, transition meetings are planned with the school, family and community agency support providers. This meeting allows the family to connect directly with their child's school as well as ask questions which are school specific. Additionally, this meeting allows the VSB support team to gather information from the community support team and family about the child's strengths and areas requiring additional support.
During the time between January and June in the year before children enter kindergarten, there are opportunities for families to connect with the school community through events hosted by the schools. These events include Ready, Set, Learn as well as Welcome to Kindergarten. Information about Ready, Set, Learn and Welcome to Kindergarten can be found on the school website or by contacting the school in January.
For more information on transition to kindergarten please contact the District Resource Teacher for early learning.