For PACs and Families
Sustainability initiatives in the District are often championed, enhanced, and/or funded by our passionate PACs and parents. There are many ways to collaborate with your kids’ schools to improve sustainability.
Green Spaces
The school grounds, local parks, and regional amenities can all be wonderful extensions for student learning. Talk to your teachers and principal to find opportunities for enhancements to your school grounds and other outdoor learning experiences like field trips or guest programming.
Active Travel
The District has a close partnership with the City of Vancouver to develop and support active travel to and from school. Initiatives include:
- School Active Travel Program
- School Streets
- Kid Commute: A Walking School Bus Pilot
- NEW: Walk Bike Roll Mini Grants Featured Projects
Here are some ideas if you want to improve active travel habits at your school:
- Find ways to celebrate walking, biking, and rolling to school. Consider participating in an organized event or campaign like HUB’s Bike to School Week, and International Walk to School Month, or create one for your school.
- Walking School Buses – Walk to school with other families in your neighbourhood. Adults can take turns walking with the kids.
- “Drive to Five” – Reduce traffic congestion at the school during pick up and drop off times. Choose a safe place to park about a 5 minute walk from your school and walk your kids the rest of the way. You can walk about 400 meters in 5 minutes.
- Bike Parking Guidelines
- Active Travel Toolkit
Waste Reduction

Reducing our waste is a great way for students to begin understanding their impact on the planet. Most of the waste at our schools comes from student lunches including fundraising lunches, and school tuck shops. Consider making choices to reduce lunch waste at your school.
- Need help improving or enhancing recycling at your school? Contact for help.
- Waste Reduction Toolkit