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Mandarin Bilingual

The Vancouver School Board offers two Mandarin Bilingual programs:
Early Mandarin Bilingual at Norquay Elementary and Mandarin Bilingual at Trudeau Elementary (Gr 4-7).

Early Mandarin Bilingual Program (Gr K-7)

The Early Mandarin program is located at Norquay Elementary School. It is a language instruction program where children learn the language and study in the language for part of the day. The day is structured to allow 50% of time to be in Mandarin and 50% in English.

View Program Brochure

Kindergarten registration general information

Program information on John Norquay Elementary school site

Choice Program Information Sessions

Grade 1-7 District Choice Program applications are submitted to schools directly through a paper form. The form is linked in the District Choice Programs section or our Elementary Programs page:

The Mandarin Bilingual Program (Gr 4 - 7)

This program at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary is offered to students from Grade 4 to Grade 7 and is a full day, 9:00am to 3:00pm. The core curriculum for this program is taught in English. Mandarin is taught through Mandarin Language Arts. The program will develop Mandarin oral communication skills along with reading and writing skills using Chinese characters. 

Most students start in Grade 4. Students entering Grades 5 and 6 with some Chinese literacy skills will also be considered if space is available.

Grade 1-7 District Choice Program applications are submitted to schools directly through a paper form.  The form is linked in the District Choice Programs section or our Elementary Programs page:

Click here for more information about the current Mandarin Bilingual Program at Trudeau Elementary

Choice Program Information Sessions

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