BCCH - School Program
Program Objectives
The objective of the BC Children’s Hospital School Program is to provide educational support for patients in the BCCH Teck Acute Care Centre (TACC) in Kindergarten through Grade 12 so that they may continue with their educational program while they are unable to attend school in their home community. The program strives to offer predictability, routine, and connection with the home school for student patients. The program staff maintains communication with the school of record for the purpose of collaboration and a seamless delivery of services.
The School Program is equipped to identify, address, and support individual educational needs. Extended participation in the program allows for increased understanding of each student’s unique strengths, along with the identification of potential supports, adaptations, accommodations, and school-based services that support the overall inclusion and well-being of the child/youth.
Referral Process
Admission to the TACC enables any school-aged patient to be eligible to receive services offered by the School Program. Eligibility depends on the student’s medical stability and is dependent upon consultation with and recommendation from the guardians and/or health team professionals on site.
Discharge Process and Transition Planning
The School Program is non-enrolling, fluid, and flexible. Thus, there is no formal admission or discharge process from the program. Acute care patients leave the program with discharge from the hospital, with the support of transition planning by Program staff, in collaboration with the school of record. Chronic care patients may continue receiving program services and support until graduation from secondary school where appropriate.