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Arts Education

District Student Art, Music & Performing Arts Events

VSB Celebration of Music- channel

The Arts are the Soul of Education

Our vision is to celebrate the unique creativity of every student and to ensure that all students can achieve their potential in the arts.


Arts Education includes Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts and involves engaged arts learning in both the co-curricular and extra-curricular areas.

The Vancouver School District recognizes that arts education is an essential part of a student's learning because the arts stimulate ideas, thought, language, perception, and understanding.

Through exposure to creative and artistic processes students develop the ability to express their own unique creativity and this enhances feelings of self-worth and pride.

Arts programs also build critical thinking and communication skills that help students foster aesthetic awareness and a deeper understanding of themselves and others,  improving the quality of their lives. 

An arts education encourages students to develop knowledge and understanding of a wide range of local and international artists and their work which creates an appreciation of cultural heritage and human experience.

To help students reach their potential in the arts, the district supports a range of activities, program options, and partnerships that meet student interests and needs to enhance student learning.    

Fine and performing arts programs at the school co-curricular level vary and it is best to connect with each school directly to obtain more information about what is offered. 

Arts Education Choice Programs:

Other Programs:

The Artist in Residence Studio Program (AIRS) gives students the opportunity to develop skill, confidence and self-expression in and through the visual arts by working regularly and consistently with a local professional artist in a studio space in the school.

Extra Curricular Programs

Related Links:

B.C. Curriculum Arts Education

Vancouver Schools Music Teachers' Association

VSB Student Art Gallery

The Student Art Gallery, located on the ground floor at the back of the Education Centre, celebrates student creativity and accomplishment in the visual arts.   Artwork created by both Elementary and Secondary students rotates in the gallery on a monthly basis and installations are open for public viewing. 

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