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Public Engagement

The Vancouver School District is committed to transparent and accountable public engagement and stakeholder feedback processes to inform planning decisions. Public engagement and stakeholder feedback processes will be designed and developed in accordance with Board policy and District administrative procedures. Public engagement activities are designed based on the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.

thumb-2.pngMiddle Years Programme Public Engagement

VSB’s International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) is not in compliance with International Baccalaureate (IB) requirements. An evaluation report from IB identified several areas where significant investments in resources, staff training and program development are required to bring the program into compliance with IB standards. Given the curriculum similarities with the BC curriculum and the significant investment required to maintain MYP, the VSB has to make a decision on the future of MYP by November 25, 2024, at the public Board meeting. More information.

vsb-voices.pngVSB Voices 

VSB Voices is a way for volunteer participants to share their thoughts about various education-related topics. It complements our existing engagement tools and follows best practices to ensure effective communication and meaningful engagement. 

In December we shared a survey asking members for their input about family information sessions. Here's the report on what we learned.  Staff will use this input to plan future information sessions. 

VSB%20Accessibility%20Survey%20(1600%20x%20900%20px).png2024 Accessibility Survey

During AccessAbility Week 2024, a survey was open to collect input by students, their families, community members and staff to help inform VSB’s Accessibility Plan. More than 3,400 participants shared their thoughts. Key themes that emerged include a need for increased physical accessibility, impacts because of staffing and budget shortages, a need to improve understanding, acceptance and support for people with disabilities – particularly intellectual, learning and invisible disabilities – as well as other systemic and technology barriers. Read the Accessibility Survey Report Summary

Student Family Engagement – Communications & Engagement Preferences

In late spring, VSB reached out to students’ families to gather feedback and input about their communication and engagement preferences in preparation for the new school year. We heard from more than 5,500 individuals. Key takeaways included families appreciate communications that were personalized and visually engaging, which contributed to a sense of community and connection. Other emerging themes include a strong preference for centralized communication platforms and for more in-person interactions. Learn more - read our What We Heard Report. Staff will incorporate the feedback and input received in its communications and engagement activities in alignment with best practices to implement equitable approaches that enable VSB to reach and hear from as many diverse families as possible.

2024/2025 Budget Engagement 

Every year, the Vancouver School Board (VSB) sets a budget for the next school year. Like all school districts in B.C., VSB is legally required to adopt a balanced budget (expenses cannot exceed the funds available) for the upcoming school year. The Board is also required to approve that budget at a public meeting. Read the 2024-2025 Financial Plan Development Engagement Summary

Archived Public Engagement 

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