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University Hill Family of Schools Grade Reconfiguration

The concept of creating a middle school as part of the University Hill family of schools emerged from the 2008 Educational Facilities Review process conducted for the UBC to Dunbar neighborhoods. 

The existing grade configuration of the University Hill family of schools is creating significant enrolment and programming alignment challenges at Norma Rose Point. The grade configuration changes, proposed for the University Hill family of schools, are intended to address existing enrolment challenges – specifically the inability of Norma Rose Point to accommodate all of its catchment students who wish to attend the school. 
In mid-May 2018, VSB staff conducted three public consultations at the schools that would be impacted by the proposed changes. Online and written feedback regarding the proposal was received.

See the report presented at the Facilities Planning Committee on June 13, 2018 to learn about the process from research and analysis to the final recommendation (link below).

Related Committee Meeting Reports:

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