Open Data

Explore the Vancouver School Board public data to find answers to your questions and form insights about your district.
Current School Year Operating Capacity and Enrolment
The table includes VSB operating capacities and current enrolments of the school year 2024-2025. Data is from 2024-25 1701 Sign Off Enrolment Headcount and does not include students whose funding FTE = 0. The VSB calculated operating capacity is used.2024-2025 Capacity and Enrolment.pdf
Birth Trend
The table includes actual birth counts within each school catchment area for the past six years and 3-year averages of birth changes. The births have been trending downward in the District. Download - Excel File
Youth Population History
The table shows the actual youth population age from 0 to 17 who resided in the District and school catchments (2011 – 2022). Download - Excel File
Youth Population Forecast
The table shows youth population age from 0 to 17, projected to reside in the District and school catchments (2023 – 2037). Download - Excel File
Elementary Enrolment History
The Vancouver School Board's elementary school enrolment history of all programs (2012 – 2022). Enrolment records are snapshots. Download - Excel File
Secondary Enrolment History
The Vancouver School Board's secondary school enrolment history of all programs and international students (2012 – 2022). Enrolment records are snapshots. Download - Excel File
Elementary Enrolment Projection
The Vancouver School Board elementary school baseline enrolment projection of all programs per school (2023 – 2032). Download - Excel File
Secondary Enrolment Projection
The Vancouver School Board secondary school baseline enrolment projection of all programs per school (2022 – 2032). Download - Excel File
District Capture Rate
The table includes actual capture rates of school-age children (age between 5 and 17) attending Vancouver School Board schools. If the capture rate of the District is 80%, it means 80% of school-age children residing in the Vancouver School District area attend one of the VSB District schools and the rest, 20% chose to attend other schools. Other schools could be public schools in neighbouring districts or private schools. Download - PDF file
District Migration Rate
The chart shows the Vancouver School Board migration trend per age group at the district level describing different retention rates depending on age groups. Download - Image File
2023-2024 Kindergarten District Choice Applicants and Numbers Waitlisted
There are sixteen schools providing District Choice programs in the Vancouver School District. This table lists the number of applicants and waitlists for the District Choice programs. Download - PDF File
Regular Kindergarten Enrolment requiring Placement
This table shows the number of kindergarten applicants by school for the Regular English Program and students requiring placement (not including Choice Programs) and identified *Full Schools. Download - PDF File
*Some of the Vancouver School District schools have inadequate physical space to accommodate in-catchment applicants and require enrolment management strategies in place to provide sound and equitable education. The list of full schools varies annually.
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