Curriculum and Assessment

Creation of an Approaches to Learning (ATL) chart to show how the three schools plan both horizontally and vertically for ATLs.
ATLs are a set of skills and strategies that aim to encourage students’ lifelong learning and support them in developing Thinking, Communication, Research, Self-management and Social skills. The ATL chart developed within the schools should demonstrate alignment and consistency of the program from Grades 6-10 as well as across the family of schools.
Revised subject group overview (unit, and long-range plans) for each subject group during the last five years of the program, for all three schools, that comply with IB requirements.
While teachers plan by developing units and lessons in both curriculums, The Ministry of Education and Child Care does not currently require teachers to use a specified template for plans or submit plans to administrators. IB compliance requires samples of unit plans for all eight subject groups created using the IB framework.
Samples (one from each subject group, from each school) of assessed student work, using MYP criteria, including task-specific clarifications, teacher marks and feedback that show assessment is consistent with prescribed MYP objectives and criteria. Each sample should use IB rubrics and the IB framework to demonstrate that students are progressing in their comprehension of the subject matter.
Current teachers who are not IB trained would be most comfortable using the four-point BC curriculum proficiency scale for assessment, and the assessment samples provided to IB World in the program review were not aligned with the IB seven-point scale or IB rubrics.
In order to address the three recommendations in this section, release time is needed for teachers at all three schools. The District estimates an investment of $8,532 (at minimum) in order to be IB compliant in regard to curriculum development and assessment.
Curriculum Development and Assessment Costs
Number of staff | Number of days | TTOC cost per day | Total cost | |
3 | 3 | $474 | $4,266 | Individual schools |
3 | 3 | $474 | $4,266 | Across all schools |
| $8,532 |
Note: This calculation is based on release time for the coordinators for each school to develop subject-specific curriculum. Additional time and costs may be incurred if subject heads and teachers join the development process, which is best practice.