Student Learning and Well-Being Committee meeting highlights – September 22, 2021

The first meeting of the Vancouver School Board’s Student Learning and Well-Being Committee this school year was held the evening of Wednesday, September 22.
First on the agenda was an overview of the District’s Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL). FESL is an annual report submitted to the Ministry of Education, as required by the School Act. The framework looks at results from various standardized grade K-12 assessments to determine the intellectual, human and social, and career development outcomes among students. Committee members had an opportunity to ask questions and staff were able to address them. For more details, read a recent District story on the District’s framework.
Committee members then heard the District’s plan to support Indigenous language instruction in schools, as part of the approved Board motion on May 25, 2021 (motion, page 7). Over the summer months, District staff met with Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations to start discussing the new language program. Those discussions will continue at the newly formed Indigenous Education Council, where the District will seek input and guidance from key Indigenous stakeholders on how to move forward with planning and implementing an Indigenous language program. Committee member were mutually supportive and excited about this new initiative.
The final agenda item was an update about the Food Framework Ad Hoc Committee, which was devised in 2019 to advise the Board on a 10-year vision and food framework. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, the forming of the committee was postponed. A new adjusted timeline was announced at the meeting and the District will begin to accept public applications to join the committee starting October 1 until December 3. More details on the application process can be found on the District’s website.