Listening to families, expanding child care, and looking to possibilities ahead

Adapting to the evolving circumstances surrounding the global COVID-19 pandemic – and supporting students and families in the best way possible – has continued to be the focus for staff and administrators at the Vancouver School District over the past week. In her latest video update, superintendent of schools, Suzanne Hoffman, highlights the focus on continuation of learning, while adopting and adapting different ways of learning.
"I would very sincerely like to give a shout-out to our teachers who have fundamentally shifted the delivery of education in the Vancouver School District in a very, very short amount of time. The work they have done is extraordinary, and I'm very appreciative of everything that they have done," she says.
Hoffman adds child care at school sites has expanded to include children of tier 2 essential services workers. She is pleased to be able to open that support to other families during these times.
The Vancouver School District continues to feed about 2,000 students every day. Hoffman explains the District has reached out to families asking whether the currently offered daily meals work best for them or whether they would prefer weekly grocery bags.
"We surveyed our families, and next week we will begin giving away 700 grocery bags to families that are in need and that is their preferred delivery of food, and we certainly want to be as responsive as possible to the community," she adds.
As for the possibility of schools reopening in a gradual fashion sometime before the end of the school year, Hoffman says the District is looking at what that might look like, planning thoughtfully with health and safety top of mind.
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