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​Cross boundary applications opens February 3

| Categories: Curriculum & Learning

Beginning Monday February 3, the District will be receiving online cross boundary applications. The application process is accessible from anywhere, on a desktop or mobile device.

Families can apply for their child to attend a school outside of their English catchment area as a cross boundary applicant. Cross boundary applications are considered only after all in-catchment students have been accommodated. Cross boundary applications are not on a first-come-first-served basis. All cross boundary applications are considered in priority order.

Priorities for Cross Boundary Applications

Priority 1 – Non-catchment student with a sibling concurrently attending the same program – A student who has a sibling that will be concurrently attending the same location, in the same program

Priority 2 – Non-catchment student (Daycare) – A student of school age who is resident in the school District, but not in the catchment, and who is enrolled in on-site daycare within the catchment or whose child care needs are provided within the catchment (applies to kindergarten – Grade 7 only)

Priority – Non-catchment student – A student that is a resident within the District

Priority 4 – Non-District student – A British Columbian resident who does not reside in the Vancouver School District

Cross boundary applications are open from February 3 to February 28. Families will be informed of the status of their cross boundary application by March 31.

Please note that the online cross boundary application process is for the English program only. Secondary French Immersion cross boundary applications are submitted directly to their school offices.

Find out more about the online cross boundary application process.

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