Highlights: Special Board meeting of January 17, 2022

Highlights: Special Board meeting of January 17, 2022
The Vancouver School Board held a special meeting of the Board on January 17, 2022, to consider a recommendation to close Queen Elizabeth Annex (QEA).
Watch the recording of the meeting.
Decision by the Board
Following a presentation outlining the factors assessed by senior management in bringing forth the recommendations and discussions by trustees, the Board passed a motion to forward the report to the Facilities Planning Committee for review and recommendation.
In making the decision to move to the next step in a process, the Board considering the report that outlined several key factors considered by senior staff in making the recommendation These included educational program offerings in support of student learning in French Immersion programs as well as details related to program demand and enrolment; best use of schools and the District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan and capital priorities; and legal matters that have arisen.
The Board’s decision is the first step in process outlined in Broad Policy 14 – School Closures, and a final decision has not yet been made.
The recommendation to consider the closure of QE will be discussed at the Facilities Planning Committee meeting scheduled for January 19 and then the Board will decide whether or not to proceed to consultation at its regularly scheduled meeting on January 31, 2022. Should it decide to do so, members of impacted school communities and the broader public will have several opportunities to share their input for the Board to consider.
If, at the January 31 meeting, the Board decides to proceed with consultation, the earliest a decision will be made will be the end of May 2022.
The report presented to the Board indicates two options to accommodate students currently attending QEA – at either Queen Elizabeth Main or Jules Quesnel. Students at QEA are enrolled in the District’s early French immersion program and, and after Grade 3 attend Jules Quesnel until Grade 7.
Keep up to date with all of the District’s committee and Board meetings; see the calendar for meeting dates, agendas and livestream links. All recordings of past meetings are housed on the District’s YouTube channel.