Budget 2019-2020 Consultation Open
The District shared the draft preliminary budget at the Plenary Student Learning & Well-Being/Finance Committee meeting on April 9, 2019.
This is an initial early version and there may be changes during the spring. Public input during this process provides valuable information for the Board to consider as it weighs options throughout the budget development period. Residents of Vancouver are encouraged to take part in the District's online engagement initiative, which runs until April 30, 2019.
The Budget development process begins in early February through a series of individual meetings with the District's stakeholder groups. During these early meetings with representatives, budget assumptions and specific priority areas are identified. This information is further refined after the Ministry of Education releases funding allocations for the next school year (in March).
The District's budget priorities are:
- focus on student achievement, recognizing the personalized learning needs of students;
- reflect responsible stewardship in implementing the objectives of the District's educational, financial and facilities-related plans;
- respect the District's decision-making culture, encouraging creativity and innovation in meeting the learning needs of specific communities;
- be sustainable over the longer term while providing the flexibility to address changing short-term needs;
- focus on equity for all schools and for all students of the District;
- reflect the specific needs of students who are vulnerable; and
- include consultation with the District's educational leaders and stakeholder groups as well as opportunities for broader community input.
Public participation provides valuable information for the Board to consider as it weighs options throughout the budget development process. Additional feedback can also be shared via email to budget2019-2020@vsb.bc.ca. Members of the public can also request to make a delegation to one of the following of two Special Board / Committee-of-the-Whole meetings:
- Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 7:00 pm - Mount Pleasant Elementary, 2300 Guelph Street.
- Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 7:00 pm - Education Centre, 1580 West Broadway.
All school districts in BC are required by law to pass a balanced budget. Therefore, the District works to present a draft preliminary budget with a balanced bottom line for the Vancouver Board of Education to consider in April. Between April and June, revisions are considered and the budget may change as the Board directs. The Board adopts a balanced budget for the upcoming school year in the late spring. As the school year progresses, the budget is monitored and adjusted, and, an amended budget is passed by the Board in the winter. The process then begins again to establish the budget for the next school year.