Honouring Support Staff throughout the District

Today, November 5, is Support Staff Recognition Day at the Vancouver School District.
There are more than 2,000 people working in support staffing roles throughout the District. They make Vancouver's public education system tick – from building staff who keep our schools clean and maintain the upkeep and safety of facilities, to supervision aides who watch over students during recess and lunch in and out of doors on the playground in all kinds of weather ensuring their safety and wellbeing. Support staff also keep our school grounds safe and free of hazards with cleaning, snow removal and lawn care. They also move entire schools to temporary locations when projects, like seismic upgrades, require the students and staff to attend school at other locations.
"When I think of the collective effort of the District's support staff, I am reminded of the saying, 'it takes a village to raise a child,'" says Suzanne Hoffman, Superintendent. "Collectively, support staff throughout our District contribute their considerable skills and expertise with admirable dedication so that children who come to our schools thrive - educationally, physically, socially, emotionally and mentally."
Whether it's serving up a smile with a nutritious meal by the friendly staff on our cafeteria teams, to the School and Student Support Assistants who provide vital support to learners with special needs, or of those in school offices whose administrative prowess keep schools functioning smoothly, to the skills of tradespeople. All our employees play a vital role in ensuring the District delivers an innovative, caring and responsive learning environment that inspires student success.
In recognition of the work by support staff and the positive impact they have on students, the District issued a proclamation marking the day, and created a new student scholarship in honour of all District support staff. Two $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to students at the end of each school year. The scholarships will be available to students of District secondary schools, the Vancouver Learning Network, Alternative and Adult Education programs.
Last month, the District celebrated World Teachers' Day (October 5) and will also celebrate a day for administrative and management staff on December 5.