Welcoming students back to schools and continuing to support remote learning

With the start of part-time, in-class instruction just around the corner, Vancouver School District staff and school-based administrators are confident all measures and protocols are in place to welcome students back. A return to in-class instruction is a choice that rests with families.
In her latest video update, superintendent of schools, Suzanne Hoffman talks about the work that took place following the Provincial Government’s announcement on May 15 about the resumption of classes.
Hoffman says throughout the past couple of weeks she connected with teachers, administrators, and support staff – and heard excitement and some anxiety.
“I really want to reassure our community that all of the health and safety protocols that have been prescribed by our Provincial Health Officer, by the Ministry of Health and by the Ministry of Education will be adhered to. We have been working on those over the past couple of weeks, and we will continue to put all the things in place for the opening on June 1,” she adds.
Hoffman reiterates the return to school is voluntary, adding results of a survey sent to families of elementary students show 42 per cent of parents or guardians will send their children to school. She adds families who choose to have their children learn remotely from home will continue to be supported.
“We acknowledge the past two months have had lots of challenges and we know that we will continue to have challenges in the month ahead,” Hoffman says. “But certainly, we have pivoted, we have adjusted, and, we will continue to do that as we work with you, our families, and with all of our staff.”
School will not look the same as it did before March break, and Hoffman assures students will be supported with their health, safety, mental health and social-emotional connections top of mind.
As staff and students enter this new phase, Hoffman emphasizes the importance of being calm, thoughtful, and being kind.
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