Open House events for new schools at UBC
Residents of UBC-Dunbar are invited to attend Open House events related to the design of two new public schools in their area.
Vancouver School Board staff and Graham Hoffart Mathiasen Architects will be on hand to discuss the projects with the community.
New University Hill Elementary - Concept stage
Wednesday Sept. 16, 2009
Explore the preliminary educational concepts and site issues related to the redevelopment of the University Hill Secondary School site (2896 Acadia Road) into a new school to accommodate students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. The public is invited to give their comments.
New University Hill Secondary - Design & development stage
Tuesday Sept. 22, 2009
Preliminary proposals and sketches will be presented for the redevelopment of the National Research Council of Canada building (4250 Wesbrook Mall) into a new University Hill Secondary School for Grade 9-12. The public is invited to give their comments.
Both Open Houses will be held at University Hill Secondary School
2896 Acadia Road (off Wesbrook Mall at UBC)
For more information:
Interpreter will be available