Public Open Houses to discuss 2010-11 Budget
You are invited to attend one of our Public Open Houses to discuss ideas for the 2010-11 preliminary operating budget. There will be Open Houses at four schools on two evenings, March 24 and 25.
Wednesday March 24, 2010
- Vancouver Technical Secondary 2600 E. Broadway 7pm
- Sir Winston Churchill Secondary 7055 Heather St. 7pm
Thursday March 25, 2010
- Killarney Secondary 6454 Killarney St. 7pm
- Kitsilano Secondary 2550 W. 10th Ave. 7pm
We value your opinions and invite you to make your views known so that future budgets are developed with your input. Go here for more information on the 2010-11 budget process.
Written submissions may be emailed to