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Board Adopts Local School Calendar for 2011-2012

At a special meeting of the Board of Education this evening a motion was passed to adopt a local school calendar for the 2011-12 school year. The calendar, based on a similar one used this year, includes 10 school closure days. The closure days include 5 days added to spring break resulting in a two-week spring break and 5 days added elswhere through the year.

The local calendar was originally proposed on April 11th and feedback was received from partner groups and the community. The adoption of the calendar represents savings of approximately $1.2M for next year.

A copy of the propose calendar can be found here: Local School Calendar for 2011-2012

A copy of the survey analysis that was used to support the calendar decision can be found here: Survey

A copy of the savings related to Human Resources can be found here: Human Resources Memo

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