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Ride for Recess Challenges Cyclists to Ride Mount Seymour

Parents and administrators at Tillicum Community Annex Elementary School are challenging community members to ride to the top of Mount Seymour to help raise funds to build a new playground and community gathering space at their small inner city school.

"This is going to be a fabulous event that should appeal to anyone interested in helping inner-city schools or cycling," says Deena Kotak, Vice Principal at Tillicum Annex. "We're encouraging everyone to come out June 3 for this ride."

Ride for Recess will kick off the morning of Sunday, June 3 at 10 AM at the base of Mount Seymour. The ride is only 12.5 km, but it is 1000m of steady climbing at a 7.5% grade. Organizers expect that it'll be a tough but satisfying ride.

Tillicum PAC Chair Kathleen Deacon says the school is in desperate need of a new playground.The new playground and community space will cost the school community approximately $50,000.

To learn more or to register, click here

Photo courtesy of smilygrl



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