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Vancouver School Board Prepares for Holloween

On the eve of Halloween, Vancouver School Board Facilities Division teams are pulling out all the stops to keep school buildings safe while children are out at night.

Though fun for countless children throughout the city, Halloween can also be an expensive and damaging event for many schools and education buildings. 

"We're asking any residents living near schools to report any vandalism or suspicious activities to police immediately," says Bill Ostrom, VSB's Operations Manager. "Vandals should know that the VSB will seek restitution for the cost of the damage done and provide information and evidence to aid police investigations and convictions."

Ostrom says the Board isn't just relying on the vigilance of school neighbours.

They're also taking proactive steps in an effort to ward off vandals.

"It's all part of a vandalism reduction program we've been coordinating since 1996," says Ostrom.

To mitigate the potential damage, VSB Operations had a number of mobile security patrols combing potential trouble spots in the district over Halloween weekend.

Cardinal buses will also be circulating a number of elementary school sites, acting as a safe zone for students and providing a direct connection with security services. In addition, staff from the VSB Material Services and Maintenance will be on call to make emergency repairs and will be equipped with delivery trucks pre-loaded with supplies.

Happy Halloween - Photo courtesy of Vector Open Stock -

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