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Tillicum Community Annex School Builds a New Playground

Parents, staff and volunteers withstood a torrential downpour and came together on April 12, 2013 to assemble a brand new playground for the students at Tillicum Community Annex School.

The location of the old jungle gym was a bit troubling for some parents and the decision was made to build a new playground behind the school.

"We have a playground on Nanaimo Street," said vice-principal Deena Kotak.  "But the parents didn't want the students playing in the air and noise pollution that comes with having the playground so close to such a busy street."

A collection of volunteers started construction on the play area at 11 a.m. on April 12th and finished the new play space at around 4 p.m. on April 13th.

The new jungle gym, scheduled to open on April 22, was paid for by fundraising efforts from parents and donations from the Rotary Club of Vancouver, the Adopt-a-School Foundation and Port Metro Vancouver.

"One of the things we did was organize a bike ride up to the top of Seymour," said PAC chair Kathleen Deacon.  "It was called 'The Ride to Recess', and we raised roughly $2,000 from that."

Deacon also explained that any leftover money from unrelated fundraising events was put towards the new play space for the students.

"We continued the normal fundraising and programs," said Deacon.  "We didn't want the students to miss out on the programs that we normally have and that they're used to just because we're trying to get a playground."

The playground that is being replaced will not going to waste either. It will be donated to Selkirk Annex, another inner city school.

The students at Tillicum didn't forget their manners in the face of all the excitement of getting a brand new playground.

"They're so excited for the playground," said Deacon.  "These students are so polite and appreciate, they're constantly saying 'Thank you!'."

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