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Tecumseh Heads to Camp Elphinstone

This May, Grade 6 students and teachers took a trip to Camp Elphinstone in Gibsons BC. Although the campers were expecting three days of rain, in the end the sun decided to make an appearance many times forcing students and staff to slather themselves in sunscreen. All and all, Tecumseh staff say the visit was a spectacular success.

Tecumseh kids

Vice Principal Carrie Froese says the staff at Camp Elphinstone should be commended for their efforts to fully engage students in their camp experience. The activities students participated in during the trip were as energizing as they were diverse.

"Active participation games like running Pictionary involved all students. Station events provided first time experiences for our students," she said.

Campers got a chance to experience archery, climbing on the low ropes, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and shelter building. Throughout the day, they were fuelled by plentiful (and tasty) food. Froese says the whole trip came together thanks to the efforts of Tecumseh staff.

"Big thanks to Ms. Chomyn, Mr. Haikonen, Mr. Larson, Ms. Collins, Ms. Harris, and Ms. Smith (our counsellor).  They not only devoted their lives to two nights away from home, but also planned the trip down to the last detail," said Froese. "Camp Elphinstone staff even marveled at their organization." 

Read more about the experience here.

Click on the image below to check out our Flickr album for more photos.

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