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Selkirk Students Explore the Science of Electricity and Magnetism

Students at Lord Selkirk students were treated to some fascinating lessons on electricity and magnetism by UBC research associate James Day who works in the department of physics.

Day was at Selkirk thanks to the popular Scientists in Residence program. The program connects university scientists and researchers with elementary schools to bring science alive for students.

Kathy Heise, the Managing Director of the Scientists in Residence Program, says Day's lesson engaged the elementary students and was particularly popular when it got hands on for the students.

"James' lessons have focused on practical applications with electricity," she said.

During the lesson, students got to role play being air molecules and conducted a nifty magnet experiment that generated sound pressure waves and powered their iPods.

The lesson was made possible in large part thanks to the generous support of CIBC Wood Gundy, who this year alone donated $5,000 to support the lessons.

Tom Hasker, VP Portfolio Manager at CIBC Wood Gundy Richmond Office, says his company likes to support Scientists in Residence because it  gives kids a opportunity to experience science hands on.

"It teaches them how to think critically and how to apply this science in the real world," says Hasker, who along with his colleagues at  CIBC Wood Gundy Richmond Office has committed to support the innovative science program with yet another year of funding. 

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