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Byng Helps Community Get Green with Recycling Mobile

Byng students and staff aren't just committed to greening their own school - they're set to support the whole community with the launch of their Pacific Mobile Depot, which pulls up at the Byng parking lot every third Saturday of the month.

Byng Recycling

During depot days, Byng students, alumni and staff members set up tents and bins in the school's parking lot and accept dropped off recycling materials (everything from old computer parts to cardboard boxes) from a steady flow of community members.

Byng alumni David Ansermino says that word is slowly leaking into the community after his school emailed local principals and did a flyer campaign. Typically,he says, the depot gets around 60-75 people dropping by throughout the Saturday morning hours of operation.

The recycling depot was driven by Byng student alumni who proposed last year to mimic the Britannia Community Centre Pacific Mobile Depot. The Byng depot is the second to serve the entire City of Vancouver and the only depot to directly service the westside of the city. 

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