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Waverley Celebrates Opening of Beautiful New Playground

Waverley Elementary students, staff and parents all came out to the schoolyard in eager anticipation of the opening of their new playground.

Principal Henry Au and previous Vice Principal Maria Donovan (now at Roberts Annex) were on hand to welcome the local community and thanks the parents and donors. VSB Aboriginal Education Worker, Kristina Leon gave a welcoming speech and acknowledged local First Nations communities and the land on which the playground was built.  

Au gave a special acknowledgement to the Waverley PAC for their immense contribution of time and hard work, saying that they literally "built this beautiful playground one hot dog and hot chocolate sale at a time".

Also in attendance were Charles and Rose Mottershead of The Charros Foundation, who generously donated $60,000 to the playground project.

Students were able to play on the new swings, climbing dome and other apparatuses. And were thrilled to find out that the PAC had also purchased cupcakes for everyone.

Click on the image below to check out our Flickr album for more photos.

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