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Lord Earth Week Celebrated with Spring Planting Event

Lord Elementary parents kicked off their Earth Week celebration with a Spring Planting event.

Lord Teacher Librarian Alison Macmaster and Kindergarten/Grade 1 teacher Linda Young teamed up with the help of the Environmental Youth Alliance and members of their parent community to put together a fun event to celebrate the school's garden partnership with the EYA, Eastside and Sunrise Alternative programs.

"Our school partnership with EYA is in the second year. EYA members connect students with (and help to build and plant) our school gardens, introduce and explore environmental issues, nature and the importance of trees, and connect with many curricular areas. Some recent topics include mason bees, the importance of pollinators, and seed science," says Mcmaster. 

During the Thursday's Spring Planting Celebration the school and community came together with parents who contributed food and snacks, volunteered to run stations, helped to organize and participate by bringing their families and neighbours. 

Mcmaster says all the students at Lord made seed balls (made out of clay, soil, and edible-flower seeds). Students kept one and gave the other away. The EYA also provided seedlings grown from the Community Nursery project (in conjunction with local youth at Strathcona Gardens) that they gave away to all who attended.

"Big thanks go out to Matthew, Rebecca and Joey from EYA, all the Lord parents for their contribution and support, teachers and staff, and students from the Environmental Caretakers Club!" says Mcmaster.

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