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BC Hydro proposal to use Lord Roberts Annex land for new substation

BC Hydro has approached VSB and the Vancouver Park Board with a proposal to develop two new underground electricity substations. One of those is proposed for the land VSB owns at Lord Roberts Annex, next to Nelson Park in the West End. The other is in Yaletown, but not on VSB land.

VSB has not made a decision about this proposal. BC Hydro has asked VSB and the Park Board to decide whether we will move forward with their proposal by the end of March 2017.

If approved, this proposal would enable VSB to build a new school which would help address VSB enrolment pressure in the downtown area into the foreseeable future. Lord Roberts Annex would be replaced and staff and students would be relocated during construction of the replacement school.

BC Hydro is consulting the community downtown to provide further details and gather feedback about community support and concerns related to their proposal. They will hold meetings with stakeholders as well as public open houses in January and February. VSB encourages parents, staff and others in the Lord Roberts Annex and Lord Roberts Elementary school communities to take part in these consultations to become better informed and provide their input.

To participate in BC Hydro's consultation, visit

The Vancouver School Board will review all the input prior to making any decisions.  A decision will likely be made at a public board meeting in March 2017.

  • View a letter from VSB to parents at Lord Roberts Annex and Lord Roberts Elementary about the proposal and the process for consultation
  • View a timeline for the discussion of the BC Hydro proposal affecting Lord Roberts Annex
  • View a letter from Dr. Patricia Daly, vice-president, public health and chief medical health officer, Vancouver Coastal Health 
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