Highlights: Finance Committee – February 22, 2023
A meeting of the Board’s Finance Committee was held at the Education Centre on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Watch the full meeting or view the agenda for details.
The first item of business was a report with a recommendation to forward the amended annual budget bylaw to the Board for approval. Trustee members of the committee agreed. During the presentation, an update about the amended 2022-2023 budget was provided. The presentation highlighted that the structural deficit continues to be a challenge and requires remedy as the funds from prior year’s savings (known as a cumulative surplus) continue to be used to balance the budget and that amount of funding will soon be insufficient to use moving forward to balance the budget.
The committee then received an update about engagement activities in support of the 2023-2024 budget’s development. A report was provided to the committee detailing the first of two planned workshops for the District’s formal stakeholder groups. The committee was also informed that the annual budget development survey was launched February 17, 2023, and that more than 2,200 participants had completed it to-date. The survey is open until March 3 and students, their families, staff and the broader Vancouver public are urged to share their feedback which assists the Board in making its budget decisions.
The meeting’s final agenda item was a financial update about quarter two.
The next meeting of the Finance Committee is scheduled for April 12, 2023. Stay up to date about meetings and topics for the Board. All committee meeting dates as well as links to the live stream/recording and agendas are posted on the calendar.