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Back 2 School: Checking in with Food Services and IT

| Categories: Our People, Programs, School Building, Our People, Programs, School Buildings
Learning Information Technology provides laptops to Vancouver students.

While students enjoy the final days of summer vacation, VSB staff are hard at work to ensure school services are ready for students’ return. Two focused and impactful departments at work right now are Food Services and Learning Information Technology.  

VSB Food Services oversees all food programs in the District, including cafeterias, breakfast and lunch programs. During the summer the team coordinated the renovation of the commissary kitchen at Britannia Secondary. The renovation will add five new pieces of kitchen equipment that will support a substantial increase in food production capacity. Scheduled to be completed near the start of school, the kitchen will service the District’s Food4School and LunchSmart, programs. The increase in production will support hot meals for students in more than 50 elementary schools throughout the District. Food Services is proud to be part of a project that will benefit young students by providing hot meals and support their learning experience. 

Another group getting ready for students’ return to school is the Learning Information Technology (LIT) department. The team supports the security, infrastructure, applications and management of devices for students and staff. Their goal is to provide an equitable learning environment through the use of technology. To prepare for the school year, department staff worked to further safeguard student accounts, prepared Teams classrooms and distributed 1,300 laptops to schools. Their plans are to continue providing devices for students and deliver effective systems that schools need to provide 21st  century learning experiences for students. 

The first day of school this year is September 5, 2023. For more information about signing up for breakfast and lunch program or accessing a learning technology device, please contact your school’s office.  

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