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So glad to be back: First day of Grade 12 at Gladstone Secondary

| Categories: Curriculum & Learning, Our People, Curriculum & Learning, Our People
So glad to be back: First day of Grade 12 at Gladstone Secondary

The first day of Grade 12 for Gladstone Secondary student Jacob was jam packed with classes ranging from AP Calculus to Law 12. Luckily, he also managed to find time to reconnect with friends and get his heart rate up at hiking club!


“My first week of school was awesome,” says Jacob. “It’s nice meeting new people and talking to my friends after the break.”


Academically, this year Jacob most looks forward to team-based projects and labs. Socially, he says, “I’m excited to participate in hiking and dragon boating club this year.”


Follow along for Jacob’s first day of Grade 12:

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