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Highlights: Education Plan Committee – October 4, 2023

| Categories: Board
Ed Plan Highlights Oct 6

The Vancouver School Board’s Education Plan Committee held its first meeting of the school year on the evening of Wednesday, October 4, 2023. For meeting details, view the agenda package or watch the live stream

There were two information items on the agenda, a literacy update and an update about K-12 Student Reporting Policy. 

District staff shared information about the Responsive Literacy Framework and Literacy Day. The Framework anchors how literacy is taught in the District and is intended to foster a well-rounded and thoughtful approach to learning. The Framework and resources unveiled during Literacy Day 2023. From September 27-28 teams from each elementary school participated in a comprehensive agenda designed to enrich their understanding of literacy education. Staff will take in feedback from the event and look at how they can support learners advance the essential skills of literacy development.

Next, staff reviewed updates about the provincial student reporting policy. The new Ministry of Education and Child Care Student Report Policy came into effect on July 1, 2023. In anticipation of this, staff updated reporting tools, administrator and teaching reporting guidelines, administrative procedures and shared information with students’ families. Staff reviewed for the committee the changes that will be rolled out at the elementary and secondary level.

There was one information item request about summer school locations and the success rate. Summer school locations were chosen based on building availability, access to transportation routes and enrolment at nearby schools. Staff also provided details about information summer learning for students from elementary to Grade 12 who participated. 

The next Education Plan Committee meeting will be on November 15, 2023.

To keep up to date with the District’s committee and Board meetings, see the calendar for meeting dates, agendas and livestream links. All recordings of past meetings are available on the District’s YouTube channel.

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