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Highlights: Policy and Governance Committee – October 11, 2023

Highlights: Policy and Governance Committee – October 11, 2023

The Policy and Governance Committee meeting was held at the Education Centre on Wednesday, October 11. The agenda included a recommendation to the Board about a new naming and renaming policy, discussions about revisions to Board Policy 8 (Board Committees) and an update to the appeal bylaw. 

Watch the full meeting.  

First on the agenda was a staff recommendation to create a standalone Board policy about naming and renaming school facilities. Currently, there is no specific policy for naming and renaming District facilities, and existing guidance lacks clarity for specific processes. During a public meeting held on February 27, 2023, the Board passed a motion to review the current procedures for naming and renaming facilities. The goal of this review was to clarify the Board's vision and values on this matter, define their role in the process, and establish guidelines for the number of concurrent naming and renaming processes. Staff recommended that the Board approve the creation of an ad hoc committee to develop a draft Naming and Renaming Policy to be reviewed by the Policy and Governance Committee prior to consideration by the Board. As part of this work, staff recommended initiating an engagement process to ensure a comprehensive and informed approach. Staff have also recommended that no new naming or renaming processes be initiated until the new policy is in place. Trustee members of the committee supported with the recommendation and forwarded the motion for the Board’s approval at the October Board meeting. 

Next on the agenda was a discussion about Board Policy 8 (Board Committees). The Board passed a motion in February 2023 to review and propose revisions to Policy 8. Part of this motion was created to better align the Finance and Personal committees with current practices, as well as update the functions of the Education Plan Committee. A draft policy was presented to the committee, including a recommendation to invite rights holder representatives of each of the Host Nations: xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) to attend standing committee meetings. Committee members were then broke out into group discussions about which elements of this draft policy resonates with them, which need clarification, if there are unintended consequences and if  are there additional revisions or additions needed. Based on the discussions, updates will be considered and made to the draft policy and then presented to the Board for consideration. 

The final item on the agenda was about the appeals policy and procedure bylaw. Appeals offer a way for parents/guardians and students to seek a review of decisions significantly affecting education, health, or safety, made by an employee. In November 2022, the Ministry of Education and Child Care updated the appeals guidelines to enhance accessibility, fairness and ease of use, including an informal conflict resolution process. Staff, in collaboration with legal counsel, developed a draft appeals policy procedure bylaw to align with the updated Ministry guidelines. Policy and Governance committee members took part in small group discussions to provide feedback about the draft bylaw. Input received was collected and will be considered by the staff and legal counsel before the bylaw is presented to the Board for approval.

 To keep up to date with all of the District’s committee and Board meetings, see the calendar for meeting dates, agendas and livestream links. All recordings of past meetings are available on the District’s YouTube channel.


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